1. The Lean Startup, de Eric Ries
2.  The Four Steps To The Epiphany, de Steve Blank
3. Rework, de Jason Fried
4. Delivering Happiness, de Tony Hsieh
5. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, de Gary Vaynerchuk
6. Purple Cow, de Seth Godin
7. Losing My Virginity, de Richard Branson
8. Founders at Work, de Jessica Livingston
9. Start Something That Matters, de Blake Mycoskie
10. The Hard Thing About Hard Things, de Ben Horowitz
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2. The Four Steps To The Epiphany, de Steve Blank

Steve Blank ofera cititorilor informatii concrete despre cum unele start-up-uri au reusit in timp ce altele nu. Este o carte similara cu "The Learn Startup" prin faptul ca se concentreaza pe acelasi lucruri cum ar fi prezumtiile de testare succesiva.

Sursa foto: Shutterstock

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