Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation - Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lokitz, Lisa Kay Solomon, Erik van der Pluijm, Maarten van Lieshout
The New Alpha: Join the Rising Movement of Influencers and Changemakers Who are Redefining Leadership - Danielle Harlan
Event Design Handbook: Systematically DesignInnovative Events Using the #EventCanvas - Roel Frissen , Ruud Jannsen , Dennis Luijer
Stand Out: A real world guide to get clear, find purpose and become the boss of busy - Alison Hill
Concept Code: How to Create Meaningful Concepts - Gaby Crucq-Toffolo, Sanne Knitel
The Innovation Illusion: How So Little is Created by So Many Working So Hard - Fredrik Erixon, Bjorn Weigel
Brand Desire - Nicholas Ind, Oriol Iglesias
Business for Bohemians: Live Well, Make Money - Tom Hodgkinson
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Stand Out: A real world guide to get clear, find purpose and become the boss of busy - Alison Hill

Daca cele 24 de ore par sa nu-ti fie de ajuns, iar programul se aglomereaza exponential, nu este nevoie sa renunti la rezolvarea taskurilor, ci mai degrba sa eficientizezi resursele de care dispui. Prin exemple clare, solutii robuste si idei demne de luat in seama, ‘Stand Out’ este o lectura-investitie si te va ajuta sa iti canalizezi energia in directia potrivita pentru a iesi din anonimat.

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