Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
Robert Shiller - Irrational Exuberance
Peter Lynch - One Up On Wall Street
Eugene Fama - The Foundations of Finance
Edwin Lefevre - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
George Soros - The Alchemy of Finance
Nassim Taleb - The Black Swan
Warren Buffett - The Essays of Warren Buffett
Charles Mackay - Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Martin Zweig  - Winning On Wall Street
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George Soros - The Alchemy of Finance

George Soros este cel mai cunoscut speculator, devenind celebru dupa ce a reusit in urma unei operatiuni sa devalorizeze lira sterlina. Soros este presedintele Soros Fund Management.

El a absolvit prestigioasa universitate London School of Economics.

"The Alchemy of Finance" este un ghid al pietelor financiare, prin care Soros ofera explicatii despre cum pot investitorii sa interpreteze pietele financiare.

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