16 Iunie 2010

Bocs administration faces fourth confidence vote

Prime Minister Emil Boc will face another no-confidence vote in the Parliament, the fourth since he is leading the Government, half-year since it was toppled in October 2008, after another no confidence motion.
The parliament will debate on Tuesday the no confidence motion put by the Social Democratic Party and Conservatories, “Stop the social genocide”, after president Traian Basescu’s urge to vote earlier than planned failed. Together with Boc, ministers Elena Udrea, Adriean Videanu, Radu Berceanu, Catalin Predoiu, Vasile Blaga and Gabriel Sandu will come before the Parliament for the fourth time.

PSD and PC will need 236 votes from the members of the Parliament to bring down the Government, as the leaders of PSD deputies, Viorel Hrebenciuc said that together with the members of the liberal party and Daniel Oajdea, the no confidence motion would gain 213 votes.

Another vote that may add is the one of Teo Trandafir who said yesterday night it would give the no confidence vote in the Parliament debate today. Other representatives from the ruling party who said they would give the no confidence vote are Daniel Oajdea, Georgica Severin, both elected as PDL MPs as well as the deputy from the minorities, Nicolae Mircovici.

The need for another motion of no confidence was stressed by the liberals initially, although members of the parliament affiliated to National Liberal Party cannot initiate such a motion because it doesn’t have a fourth of total seats in the Senate and Deputy Chamber as stated by the Constitution. In these circumstances, liberals have called on PSD to put such a motion before the Parliament.

It seems that social democrats took a dim view of PNL’s failure to talk to them before announcing a motion of no confidence that they cannot put before the parliament on their own. After a round of talks with the presidents of the two parties, PSD and PNL said they would go on with the motion, without adding any details on the contribution of each party. Thus, only few hours before the president Traian Basescu announce the austerity package, PSD made public it readies a no-confidence motion. When Boc-led government said it would assume liability for the austerity measures, the motion of no confidence was geared towards it.

PSD has assumed repeatedly the initiation of the motion of no confidence, and rumors in the Parliament over a rift inside the opposition quickly swept the political scene. Furthermore, both PNL and PSD talked about the need of early elections and said they would not assume government unless their own anti-crisis program (liberal and social-democratic respectively) is approved. After hostile critics claiming the opposition doesn’t actually want to topple Boc-led Government, the two leaders – Victor Ponta and Crin Antonescu – said they were not divided by their pride, but are united in their joint action to achieve the main objective, which is to bring down the Government.

However, the members of the Parliament are skeptical about the collapse of the Government like it happened last year, when three parties – PNL and UDMR with the support of PSD – knocked down the Government, after two other failed attempts earlier that year.

The first motion against the Boc-led administration, named “The big bluff PDL-PSD” was initiated by 124 PNL and UDMR members of the Parliament on May 4 2009. The motion was rejected on May 13, 2005, with 272 to 130 votes. The government was accused of immorality and failure to fulfill promises made in the election campaign.

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