6 Aprilie 2010

Profile: Hahaianu, Teletrans: Im not shopping online. I still prefer the old-fashioned way

Find out what are the high-tech habits and preferences of Horia Hahaianu, chief executive director of telecom company Teletrans.

1. What gadget's in your pocket, at hand?

iPhone, a very useful smartphone, because of its mobility. Whenever I’m at home or in my office, I connect to internet and keep abreast with the e-mails I receive, and hence I have the possibility to respond promptly to the urgent requests and more.

2. What was the first gadget you had? At what age?

The first gadget I had was actually the first mobile phone I had, with fewer functions that what we’re seeing now on the market.

3. What was the latest tech product you bought?

Since Apple is my favorite brand, the latest thing I bought was an Apple Mac.

4. The most unpleasant gadget-related incident

I haven’t experienced such an incident. Working in the IT environment, the solutions to my problems just came naturally.

5. How much would you be willing to pay for a cell phone?

I’d be willing to pay even €1,500 if the cell phone would prove extremely useful..

6. What features would your ideal phone have?

The most important feature the ideal phone should have is to read e-mails and stay online. And this would be the main, criteria based on which I have chosen the smartphone I have, and that is to keep me permanently up to date.

7. What was the first cell phone you've used?

As far as I can remember, it was a Bosch.

8. What mobile phone brand do you prefer?

Apple iPhone.

9. The tech brand and manager you admire

Like I said earlier, I prefer Apple. And as for the manager, I have admired several persons, I can’t nominate one of them.

10. The most useless gadget you found on sale?

I can’t say what was the most useless gadget I found, because I always search for things useful to me. There are, no doubt, gadgets in the market that are more or less useful. But it depends on how consumers perceive the usefulness of these items, on their expectations from the functions of these gadgets.

11. If money were no object, what gadget would you buy?

For the time being, I don’t rate a gadget in terms of price, but in terms of how useful that gadget would be to me. Fortunately, money hasn’t been an obstacle so far.

12. What type of websites do you access regularly? What is your favorite website?

Since I don’t have the time to read the newspapers, I try to keep abreast with the events by reading news websites. What matters is the quality of the content rather than the title.

13. What was the latest acquisition made online?

I don’t usually shop online, I still prefer the classic stores.

14. What is internet to you?

Internet is above all a necessity, especially now when we’re living in the era of speed. And having access to information and news on a constant basis and getting in touch with your customers at any moment of the day is paramount.

15. How would a day in your life without internet look like?

I would say impossible in every aspect. I think it would be less efficient, to be more precise.

16. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?

Since I am on the road most of the times, mobility is essential to me.

17. Your favorite mean of communication

Face to face, but unfortunately, we can’t afford this luxury all the time.

18. Where will the innovation go in IT? What gadget would you create, that has not been done before?

Innovation in technology will surprise us always. Every time I wanted to have a certain gadget, I always found it on the market.

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