10 Februarie 2010

Top 10 counties with the highest jobless rate

Year-to-date, unemployment rate climbed 0.3% in January to 8.1%. A total of 31.599 jobs in the public or private sector were lost in the first month of 2010, bringing the number of unemployed to more than 740,000.

Unemployment hasn't hit bottom yet

Jobless rate increased 0.3% in January, to 8.1%, while the total number of unemployed people reached 740,982, of which 605,371 jobs in the private sector.

Analysts’ estimates and the recent statements of the governor of the National Bank of Romania suggest that despite the first signs of economic recovery, it could take long before employment rate to go down.

“The unemployment rate will increase further and we may see the public sector shedding more jobs this year”, said Rozalia Pal (photo), senior economist with UniCedit Tiriac Bank Romania, adding that the impact of public sector layoff could add 1% to the existent jobless rate.

The public sector is expected to axe 100,000 jobs.

“The unemployment rate could peak at 9%, and at the end of the year, we may see a recovery driven by the private sector. In our view, jobless rate would hit 8.5% mark this year”, Rozalia Pal added.

10. Harghita, Hunedoara and Salaj - 11%

Unemployment rate – 11%
Number of jobless: 15,817
Private sector job loss: 15,537

Unemployment rate – 11%
Number of jobless: 22,786
Private sector job loss: 21,712

Unemployment rate – 11%
Number of jobless: 11,682
Private sector job loss: 11,053

9. Caras-Severin - 11.2%

Unemployment rate – 11.2%

Number of jobless: 14,423

Private sector job loss: 13,882

8. Gorj - 11.7%

Unemployment rate – 11.7%

Number of jobless: 17,552

Private sector job loss: 16,127

7. Galati - 12%

Unemployment rate – 12%

Number of jobless: 26,548

Private sector job loss: 18,358

6. Covasna and Ialomita - 12.2%

Unemployment rate – 12.2%
Number of jobless: 11,401
Private sector job loss: 11.011

Unemployment rate – 12.2%
Number of jobless: 12,875
Private sector job loss: 12,031

5. Dolj - 12.3%

Unemployment rate – 12.3%

Number of jobless: 36.903

Private sector job loss: 24, 968

4. Teleorman - 12.7%

Unemployment rate – 12.7%

Number of jobless: 21,341

Private sector job loss: 8,167

3. Alba - 13.4%

Unemployment rate – 13.4%

Number of jobless: 24,322

Private sector job loss: 24,027

2. Vaslui - 13.5%

Unemployment rate – 13.5%

Number of jobless: 21,697

Private sector job loss: 20,291

1. Mehedinti - 14.5%

Unemployment rate – 14.5%

Number of jobless: 17,838

Private sector job loss: 13,022

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