25 Ianuarie 2010

Profile R. Valceanu, BitDefender: Internet is a valuable tool if used properly

Find out what are the high-tech habits and preferences of Razvan Valceanu, country manager of BitDefender, local antivirus software maker.

1. What gadget's in your pocket, at hand?

An iPhone 3GS.

2. What was the first gadget you had? At what age?

A walkman when I was 11.

3. The most unpleasant gadget-related incident

I’ve never experienced any.

4. How much would you be willing to pay for a cell phone?


5. What features would your ideal phone have?

It should be an iPhone and have a really good battery life.

6. What was the first cell phone you’ve used?

One of the first models made by Ericsson in 1996.

7. What mobile phone brand do you prefer?

I’ve had only iPhone in the past two years.

8. The tech brand and manager you admire

BitDefender – Florin Talpes.

9. The most useless gadget you found on sale?


10. If money were no object, what gadget would you buy?

A 6D cinema.

11. What type of websites do you access regularly? What is your favorite website?

Generally, I read news from every industry, and relax myself on social networking sites where I talk to my friends about topics of common interests.

12. What was the latest acquisition made online?

A game for my cell phone that I couldn’t find for my console.

13. What is internet to you?

Internet is the first step a person makes to have access to information. Whether you want to find a job, or just read about things that matter to you or like doing it is a hugely useful tool if used properly.

14. How would a day in your life without internet look like?

At least as full and hectic as it is now, most likely, but without the internet, I would have a job in another field than data security.

15. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?

I prefer both and I might add the design. This is why my personal laptop is a MacBook.

16. Your favorite mean of communication

For personal things, I prefer face to face meetings or phone calls. But nothing is more suitable to me at the office than e-mail, instant messengers, or text messages.

17. Where will the innovation go in IT? What gadget would you create, that has not been done before?

The tech industry is heading towards miniaturization, digitalization and integration of all functions of a network, home, office.

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