12 Octombrie 2009

Profile - Cristian Comanici, LG: First gadget, a portable mini radio

Find out what are the high-tech habits and preferences of Cristian Comanici, sales director of LG Electronics Romania, world’s third largest mobile phone maker.

1.What gadget's in your pocket, at hand?

My personal phone, LG Arena.

2. What was the first gadget you had?

I received my first gadget as a gift when I was 10, and I was extremely proud of it. It was a portable mini radio with FM and AM bands.

3. What was the last tech product you bought?

Recently, I bought a Blu-Ray Full HD where I can watch HD movies. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience!

4. The most unpleasant gadget-related incident

I think the urgent need to have access to e-mail or the low internet connection speed can be fairly identified with a disaster, especially when you have to make important decisions on a tight time limit.

5. How much would you be willing to pay for a cell phone?

1,800 lei

6. What features would your ideal phone have?

Extended memory and user-friendly Internet and e-mail features. I use my cell phone regularly for making calls and checking e-mail.

7. What was the first cell phone you've used?

A Motorola StarTac.

8. What mobile phone brand do you prefer?

Under LG, cutting-edge mobile phones rolled out the production line that meet the needs of each mobile-phone user category. LG has become one of the most popular brands, at least in the mobile phone sector. And this is why LG is a brand that I admire for what it has achieved so far in this market.

9. The most useless gadget you found on sale?

A Wireless Floating Speaker.

10. If money were no object, what gadget would you buy?

For the time being, I don’t ‘crave’ anything in particular.

11. What type of websites do you access regularly? What is your favorite website?

I usually go into news websites, but I it would be inappropriate to say I have a favorite one.

12. What was the latest acquisition made online?

The book “The World’s Automobiles”.

13. What is internet to you?

It’s a work tool I use every day.

14. How would a day in your life without internet look like?

I would finally have a moment of silence, but I might hit a few snags in the road in fulfilling some tasks.

15. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?

I think both are essential.

16. Your favorite mean of communication

Face to face meetings, at least at a certain time interval.

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