6 Octombrie 2009

Amonils asset foreclosure process to start tomorrow

The request filed by Amonil Slobozia (BSE: AMO) against Chemgas Holding Corporation for postponing the divestiture of the chemical fertilizer manufacturer of a part of its assets, was rejected by the majority shareholder of the creditor, according to a press release remitted to the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Therefore, the foreclosure proceedings for the repayment of the €13.3 mln will start tomorrow.

The news pushed Amonil’s shares down 8.12% today, to 0.0181lei in the early trades. The shares slump comes after 97,518 lei trades that involved 5.29 mln shares.

The fertilizer production platform, two warehouses, a homeless shelter, work apartments, sport center and another idled production facility previously used for the manufacturing of Furfurol will be sold in a public auction.

Salink Limited, minority shareholder of Amonil called for a new shareholders meeting in late September to approve a capital hike that would cover the outstanding debt to Chemgas Holding Corporation.

The company has a share capital of 111.26 mln lei, divided into 1.11 bln shares at a face value of 0.10 lei.

The main shareholders of the company are Zalois Ltd with 32.19% stake, Jovline Ltd with 18.22% while Salink Limited holds 13.54%. Eurom Trade & Invest holds 5.07%.

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