6 Octombrie 2009

Ernst & Young has new FIDS Executive Director

David Smith is the new executive director of within the Fraud Investigation and Disputes Services, the team that is part of Assurance Services.
David has over 16 years of professional experience, with a focus on investigating and preventing fraud and corruption, and providing accounting advice in commercial disputes.

“David’s role will be to further build up our FIDS practice in Romania. This involves assisting clients in investigating potential fraudulent or improper conduct as well as advising on preventative measures to reduce the opportunities for fraud to occur”, says Panos Papazoglou, partner and leader of Assurance Services.

David first joined Ernst & Young in 1998 and has previously worked in E&Y’s FIDS practices in England, Ireland, Australia and Czech Republic. David holds a combined bachelor of Commerce and Laws, a graduate diploma in applied finance & investment, and is a member of CPA Australia and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

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