25 Septembrie 2009

GfK Romania expands network to Iasi

The market research company GfK Romania will open a new branch in Iasi, for which the estimated costs is around €1mln.
“The opening of a new center in Iasi will allow us to contain costs and improve services we bring to our clients”, said Andi Dumitrescu (photo), chief executive of GfK Romania.

The establishment of a modern call center larger than the one in Bucharest enabled full relocation to Iasi of computer-assisted telephone interviewing operations, which has led to a reduction in costs.

The new 72-workstations capacity enables multiple interviewing sessions in a shorter interval than before, meaning faster data transmission. CATI method is used in employee satisfaction surveys, loyalty studies or Mystery Shopping-type research.

By expanding the use of CAPI In Home method (computer assisted personal interviewing) – it has been reduced the project completion timeframe, by eliminating the time used for sending the questionnaires via postal services.

GfK Romania reported first-half sales of over 16.5 mln lei (€3.9 mln), same as a year earlier.

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