15 Iunie 2009

Financial crisis impacts local luxury market

The behavior of the wealthiest sector in Romania has now changed, a marketing study ordered by Lotus Cismigiu found. The luxury car sector is the most affected, being followed by the watches and accessories market. A visible drop in sales took place amongst the interior design products and premium furniture.
As it is the only projects targeting the upper class target audience, the developer was keen to find out what are the codes leading his potential clients.

“We were very interested to know which are the main facts leading the upper class in taking decisions nowadays,” says Monica Popescu, sales manager of “Lotus Cismigiu.

Romanians with financial possibilities are more cautious in buying certain products or contracting certain services in these days. The luxury cars’ sector is the most affected, being followed by the watches market and by accessories. Also, a visible drop off in sales took place amongst the interior design products and luxury furniture.

“We found out that many of our potential are interested to negotiate for the best price, highest quality, and take the maximum use of the “crisis” to their benefit.

Based on this study, Lotus Cismigiu started planning unique payments’ methods and combinations also for the upper class, which in the past, was too proud to discuss any discount or mortgages.

Moreover, they think customization is a “must” process.

“Today, financing solution is the key for every sale, when the basic theory is to pay the less you can now and postpone it to a better time to come,” Monica Popescu added.

The marketing research was based not only on real estate but also on luxury cars, watches and decisions regarding the luxury lifestyle (such as entertainment, vacations etc).

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