29 Mai 2009

The leu heads over the falls

Romania’s national currency lost ground to 4.1912 against the euro from a previous 4.1830 at the benchmark exchange rate of the central bank, affected by regional downturn, NewsIn informs.
The leu started out at 4.1830 and then decreased to 4.1985 against the euro, recovered slightly to 4.18 and then fell again close to 4.19.

In the region, the Hungarian forint slipped 1.95 percent from 281.30 to 286.80 and then grew back to 284.30 and the Polish zloty fell 1.4 percent to 4.5065 versus the euro and recovered to 4.4772.

Over the American dollar the reference exchange rate pinned the leu at 3.0216, a 0.79 percent fall over yesterday’s level.

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