8 Aprilie 2009

The reference exchange rate climbs to 4.1684 versus euro

Romania's central bank (BNR) posted a reference exchange rate of 4.1684 lei per euro, up by 0.32 percent versus yesterday, ending the two-weeks interval in which the leu kept growing, as an effect of the decreases reported by regional currencies against the euro, NewsIn informs.
Yesterday's reference exchange rate was 4.1549 lei per euro, a level not reached since January 8, when the rate was of 4.1385 lei per euro. The leu won 3.26 percent during the last fortnight.

The national currency stood this morning at 4.1560 against the euro, but the exchange rate slumped to 4.1513 in less than an hour. The leu then followed the regional trend and decreased to 4.17 versus the euro. After 1 p.m., it recouped somewhat and at 1:45 p.m. banks were buying an euro for 4.1655 lei and selling it for 4.1705 lei.

The Hungarian forint fell from 294.10 to 298.90 per euro and then returned to 296.66, while the Polish zloty slipped from 4.4478 to 4.5150 against the euro and retraced its steps to 4.4860 per euro.

The reference exchange rate shows the leu losing 2.27 percent in front of the U.S. dollar, from yesterday's 3.0710 to 3.1407 per dollar.

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