11 Martie 2009

Ministry of Finance and National Bank of Romania confirm loan talks

Ministry of Finance and National Bank of Romania (BNR) have started preliminary talks with officials from European Commission, International Monetary Fund and International Financial Institutions on the assessment of macroeconomic framework and necessary financing for Romania.

After the preliminary talks, Romanian regulators scrutinized the accession of medium-term financial assistance, decision communicated to European Commission. In the midst of global economic downturn, a prudent approach of Romanian authorities is designed to avoid a tardy action that could worsen the macroeconomic imbalances, as well as to secure a protection umbrella for possible future vulnerabilities.

In an effort to mitigate the negative effects of the financial crisis over the real economy, the Romanian Government has promptly engaged in implementing a series of economic incentives meant to protect the population’s interests and to speed up economic reforms.

The external financing together with the proactive responses of Romanian regulators consists in a guarantee to consolidate the financial stability on a medium term, stimulating the business environment and regaining the confidence of investors in the country’s economic potential. On a long term, the state plans to fructify the economic growth opportunities.

Regardless to external financing talks, the Government will retain its decision to speed up the structural reforms for country modernization, to revive the competitive climate and to secure public finance sustainability.

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