3 Martie 2009

Voluntary leave list for Hunedoara-based ArcelorMittal branches

ArcelorMittal Hunedoara, a subsidiary of the world's largest steel producer Arcelor Mittal, announced it opened the voluntary leave lists for all its branches, until March 13, and pledges severance pay packages for laid-off workers, due to economic crisis shrinking the production output, NewsIn informs.

The chemical plant has three subsidiaries, Mecanicasider, Electrosid and Constructsid, employing 231 people altogether, ArcelorMittal Hunedoara GM Remus Patan said.

People who have been working for five years at the plant will receive 10,000 lei severance pay packages. The longer employees have been with the plant, the higher the compensations will be, Patan said.

The plant in Hunedoara’s workforce counts 1,200, out of which 330 signed up on the voluntary leave list, open until April this year.

ArcelorMittal is the largest steel producer in the world, employing 330,000 people in over 60 countries. In Romania, it controls the chemical plants in Hunedoara and Galati, the pipe producing units in Iasi and Roman, the harbor operator Romportmet Galati and the local arm of the construction company ArcelorMittal Construction.

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