20 Noiembrie 2008

Iordache reviews internal organization of Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett Romania underwent an internal reorganization in the past few months, including layoffs, reorganization of departments and of management structure. As a part of the group’s companies is likely to report downward profits, at this year end, Stefan Iordache, COO Leo Burnett is betting on seniors in the company and postponement of expenses.

“It was an atypical year for us, because we have conducted internal structure changes” said Stefan Iordache. If in January 2008 Iordache announced a team made of 200 people, in early 2009, the team will shrink to 160, considering that the company added TruMedia Research in its portfolio, company specialized in in-store audience monitoring.

The group operated major changes inside Leo Burnett agency, which will comprise in January around 70 persons, nearly 30 less than in the beginning of 2008, Iordache saying the reasons consists in the recent layoffs and the setup of a different division – LB Support Group, which includes the administrative departments of Leo Burnett Group, that were initially part of Leo Burnett.

Moreover, a part of the advertising agency’s employees have been transferred to the media company Starcom MediaVest Group and to the newly-launched division, TruMedia Research.

Most of the discharged persons were juniors, said the head of Leo Burnett. “We would prefer to work exclusively with seniors. We have also overhauled our inside structure, enough to streamline the communication between the managers. Less executives or at all”.

According to Stefan Iordache, who is also the chairman of UAPR, several agencies in the Romanian market will call upon workforce reduction next year.

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